contracted businessの例文
b2b business to business
B2b business to business

business and business people
As an active business chamber, the council provides a forum for Malaysian and Australian linked businesses and business people. It also seems that Watkins disliked the process of raising f......

business is business
Business is business, politics is politics, and never the twain shall meet. Business is business, and my duty is to run a profitable store. I wish he could have done it here, but business ......

business neglected is business lost
Business neglected is business lost

business to business
This may vary from business to business, and may change over time. The details provided in a business directory varies from business to business. "It's a business to business issue and is ......

Though his manner was less satisfied than hi words . a matter of business . regard it as a matter o - business - business that must be done

Module 2 : business - to - business e - procurement Public versus private models for business - to - business integration So how does conversion apply to business - to - business seo Keywo......

business-to-business advertising
Business - to - business advertising

business-to-business agency
Business - to - business agency

business-to-business e-commerce
The focus of this project is on assessing the dynamics and impacts of business - to - business e - commerce at a sectoral level using a common methodology In the end , this thesis introduc......

every business is a growth business
From 1993 to 1997, annual sales grew 42 percent to $ 6.4 billion and profits rose 130 percent to $ 515 million, according to a book that describes Burnham's experience, " Every Business is......

semantics of business vocabulary and business rules
Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules ( SBVR ) and KDM are designed as two parts of a unique OMG Technology Stack for software analytics related to existing software systems.......

the business of america is business
Calvin Coolidge once said that the business of America is business. "The business of America is business, " proclaimed President Coolidge. Calvin Coolidge once famously observed that " the......

as contracted
She was a contracted dancer on " Channel Nine in Brisbane. Another example,, is a contracted form of the English words and. It operated a contracted route from Portland, through Weymouth t......

He said he had contracted the virus from intravenous drug use. All three believe they contracted the virus through heterosexual sexual relations. He contracted meningitis and endured a tor......

contracted a disease
Some vaccines are administered after the patient already has contracted a disease. At the age of 15 he contracted a disease that permanently blinded him. He had probably contracted a disea......

contracted area
The contracted area of the body forms a " tunnel " that holds the prey. While the contracted area was high enough ( ), the yields were dismal ( 20, 000 tons ), so the factory was shuttered......

contracted basis
The Center produces curriculum for its own use as well as on a contracted basis for schools and projects. Codel was let go as a full-time employee, though he continued producing videos and......

contracted bladder
Finally, we decided to bring two leaders in the field to our town : biologist Sandra Steingraber, whose book, " Living Downstream; An Ecologist Looks at Cancer and the Environment, " recou......

contracted code sonde
Contracted code sonde

contracted construction
VBB contracted construction of the three Kuwait Towers to Yugoslavia ( now part of Serbia ). After the 1986 Mexico City earthquake, the government contracted construction work but delayed ......

contracted date
KEDO chief Charles Kartman rejected that demand, saying 2003 was a target date, not a contracted date. The event was the final contracted date for each member of Team 3D . In July 2015, Bu......

contracted division
Carnegie were able to improve in the second half of the regular season and finished fourth, with a 10 8 win record, in a contracted Division 1 that featured just 10 teams.

contracted domain
And in the light of the nash ' s negotiation theory , the paper sets up the negotiation model of the shareholder and the manager , which analyze the difficulty of contracting in the change......

contracted drawing
Should be provided with legal representation and a contract drawn up , , , , should be provided with legal representation and a contract drawn up , All right , ms . bently , i ' ll have th......